Once is enough in the fight against bureaucracy

Public Prosecutor´s Office of the Slovak Republic (GP SR)

DATALAN took another significant step in the fight against bureaucracy and expanded the project of digitizing the services of the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Slovak Republic.

Citizens and businesses no longer have to carry records from the commercial and trade register or title deeds to the authorities, including providing a copy of the cadastral map for applications in various proceedings with the authorities. The solution relieved natural persons and legal entities from documenting their criminal records by enabling government offices to request them themselves using the OverSi portal or directly in their own IS.

The main objective of the solution was to try to de-bureaucratise society and to reduce the administrative burden on natural persons and legal entities, since it is pointless for public authorities to require proof of facts stated in documentation from the relevant registers, if they can check these facts themselves using the public administration information systems or the facts are known to them from their activities.

Súhlas so spracovaním mojich osobných údajov na účely konzultácie so spoločnosťou DATALAN, a.s.  na dobu potrebnú na konzultáciu.  Beriem na vedomie, že tento súhlas môžem kedykoľvek odvolať v zmysle podmienok v dokumente Spracovanie osobných údajov